
Explore your strengths, personality, leadership style, interests, motivators and more.

Why Use 自我评估工具

评估 tools are one way to learn more about yourself.  While no assessment provides an exact formula, the personalized data that the tools offer can help you identify and explore your own preferences, 行为, 和风格. Equipping yourself with this information allows you to incorporate your learning into future situations, whether that be groups in classes, 校外实习期, 实习, 运动队, 未来或现在的工作, 或者社交场合. 除了, professional staff members will meet with you to discuss your results and further your exploration and learning about yourself, 你的风格, 你的倾向.   


评估s and interpretations can be expensive, but current Bryn Mawr students have access to these self-assessment tools 免费. 为 强烈兴趣量表 和 Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), a counselor must first recommend this assessment during an appointment. 点击 在这里 预约.) To receive a code to take any of the assessments below, please complete the following link. After completing the link you will receive an email from 职业生涯 Engagement that will include the details and specific instructions for taking the specific assessment(s) that you selected.



职业生涯Leader tool is a fully integrated approach to business career self-assessment built on the premise that your interests, motivators and skills will drive your future career success and satisfaction. Based on more than 50 collective years of scientific research and career development experience, 职业生涯Leader has been designed to:

  • Provide expert assessments of your unique pattern of business-relevant interests, 激励因素和技能;
  • Match you to specific business-related careers when compared to their database of hundreds of thousands of business professionals and;
  • Help you understand what organizational cultures will be the best fit for you.

Interpersonal Leadership Styles (ILS)

Interpersonal Leadership Styles (ILS) tool allows you to better underst和 implications of style diversity and its impact on your leadership 和 leadership of others.  This assessment explores how you use power and how you prefer activity, generating data that allows you to see w在这里 you fall in a range of four areas, as well as w在这里 you fall in terms of 21 different distinct leadership styles.

Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) allows you to identify basic preferences in four areas including how you like to interact with the world, how you like to receive information, what you consider when making decisions (people or information), and what structure you prefer when engaging in the outside world. Exploring these areas through this tool will generate data that allows you to see w在这里 you fall in a range of 16 different personality types. (Note: 为 Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) a 职业生涯 Counselor must first recommend this assessment during an appointment. 点击 在这里 预约).


StrengthsQuest assessment tool allows you to better understand your strengths and learn how to build off of your talents. T在这里 are 34 different themes that have been identified based on a 40-year study of human strengths. This assessment generates data that allows you to identify your top five themes and comes with a report that offers ideas for action, an activity to help you explore deeper, and an action plan to help you set goals for how to best apply your strengths.  ​


强烈兴趣量表 (“的 Strong”) allows you to understand how your varied interests (school subjects, 爱好, 休闲活动, 等.) connect to the world of work, which is grouped into 6 themes (Realistic, 调查, 艺术, 社会, 有事业心的, 和传统的). See how your interests align with specific occupations, each of which is described fully in the accompanying online tool. Learn about the projected growth, 收益, required education or certifications (and more) for each occupation you’re considering. (Note: 为 强烈兴趣量表 a 职业生涯 Counselor must first recommend this assessment during an appointment. 点击 在这里 预约).



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